Base Group to wykonawca konstrukcji przemysłowych. Specjalizujemy się w tradycyjnym i zrobotyzowanym spawaniu aluminium, stali nierdzewnej i stali czarnej. Spawanie wykonujemy zgodnie z międzynarodowymi standardami określonymi w normie ISO 3834-2. Na zamówienie Klienta dostarczamy konstrukcje przemysłowe wyprodukowane zgodnie z normą EN 1090-2, EN 1090-3 oraz EN 15085-2.
In the field of metalworking, the company offers many services such as cutting, bending, milling and grinding.
The use of modern machines and tools allows precise shapes and finishes to be achieved, meeting the expectations of even the most demanding customers.
Spawanie stali kwasoodpornej MIG/MAG, TIG. Grubość do 20mm. Welding of carbon steel using MAG, MIG and TIG methods
Low-alloy steels are alloys to which additional components have been added, such as manganese, chromium or nickel, in quantities not exceeding 2% of a single component. Considering the specific properties and intended use, we distinguish three groups of materials: steels with increased strength , low-alloy steels for power engineering and steels for thermal improvement.
Carbon Steel Welding Procedures
It is worth noting that the increase in the content of carbon and alloying elements worsens the weldability of steel and carries the risk of cold cracks. Before starting welding, our specialists will assess the weldability of steel based on the chemical composition and the Ce equivalent. On this basis, they will determine whether they are dealing with easily weldable steel, with limited weldability or difficult to weld. We also use the hardness criterion for the initial assessment of weldability. In the case of low-alloy steels with a higher carbon equivalent, we use specific technological measures, such as: increased linear arc energy, preheating and low-hydrogen welding processes.
MMA welding is the joining of elements using a coated electrode, where an electric arc is generated upon contact. It is one of the most universal methods of inseparable connections. At Marxam Project, our experts take care of every detail, so that you can be sure that each welding process, regardless of the production volume, is of the highest standard. Trust us in MMA welding and experience cooperation with true professionals.
MMA welding is a process we have specialized in since we started our business in 2006. Our extensive experience and customer focus ensure that each project we undertake is precisely tailored to your needs. Our modern equipment and technologies allow us to handle orders from many different industries. Choose Marxam Project as your MMA welding partner and provide your project with the best.
La saldatura dei metalli è, in termini più semplici, il processo di saldatura dei metalli tra loro, realizzato mediante calore, surriscaldamento o l'utilizzo di un agente saldante. Ciascuna delle soluzioni citate si distingue per le diverse proprietà, che consentono di unire diversi tipi di materiali e di applicare la saldatura in un'area specifica e ben definita. Offriamo ai nostri clienti servizi completi in questo settore, in conformità con i più elevati standard internazionali.
Presso la nostra sede, saldiamo con metodi MAG e TIG, in conformità con gli standard internazionali stabiliti dalla norma EN ISO 3834-2 per la saldatura di materiali metallici e dalla norma EN ISO 1090-2.
Saldiamo sia acciaio nero che acciaio inossidabile. Realizziamo costruzioni fino alla classe EXC3. Possediamo oltre 70 qualifiche di saldatura WPQR secondo la norma EN ISO 15614.
I nostri saldatori sono qualificati per saldare con i metodi:
MAG 135 -
MAG 136 -
TIG 141 -
BOR-TECH is a trusted partner in the steel structures industry, offering a comprehensive range of services tailored to meet the needs of various construction projects. Specializing in welding constructions, machining constructions, and reinforcement, our expertise ensures the durability and precision of every project. We also excel in the design and assembly of steel structures, including industrial halls and building frameworks.l
automatyczna spawanie do produkcji o dużej objętości.
Robot spawalniczy MIG/MAG
• Obszar roboczy: 2000x1000mm
• Możliwość spawania CMT (Cold Metal Transfer) do spawania bez odprysków
• Materiały: stal konstrukcyjna i stal nierdzewna
Per soddisfare le esigenze dei nostri clienti, abbiamo introdotto servizi di assemblaggio di macchine in loco a Danzica, nel nord della Polonia. Attraverso la collaborazione con il nostro partner Intema Sp. z o.o. abbiamo creato strutture e ampliato il nostro reparto di produzione conto terzi. La soluzione di produzione basata sull’outsourcing consente un aumento del volume e una riduzione dei costi. Eseguiamo progetti sulla base della documentazione e delle linee guida fornite. Con una vasta esperienza nella creazione di vari tipi di macchine, offriamo non solo produzione ma anche supporto tecnico e consulenza. Il nostro parco macchine comprende torni, fresatrici, getti d'acqua e stazioni di saldatura. Disponiamo anche di un ufficio acquisti che ci consente di ottenere prezzi ottimali per tutti i componenti. Il capannone di produzione si trova a Danzica, garantendo un facile accesso al porto, all'aeroporto e ottimi collegamenti autostradali.
Francke-art posiada wieloletnie doświadczenie w obróbce na gorąco stali i metali. Oferujemy usługi spawania oraz kucia małych i średnich konstrukcji i elementów stalowych, gięcie rur i profili.
Gasket in the form of a framework and as sealing rings are made, inter alia, of rubber and silicone profiles and molded fittings, including the use of metal inserts and reinforcements, valves and others. They offer almost unlimited possibilities of applications. Combined parts are e.g. produced using traditional techniques or spliced by high pressure and temperature, providing optimized strength of the connections and also the flexibility of the weld.
For profile gaskets see more and more…
Stalowe słupki do zacisków montażowych stosowanych w przemysłowych stystemach ogrodzeń panelowych, produkowane są zgodnie z normą PN-EN 10305-5:2011, zabezpieczone antykorozyjnie, ocynkowane DX51+ Z 275 z zasypem
Nasze profile zgrzewane mają szerokie zastosowanie w produkcji ogrodzeń i bram. Cechują się wysoką wytrzymałością i odpornością na korozję. Wykonujemy długości zgodnie z indywidualnym zamówieniem klienta.
This version of welded mouse pads consists of two layers: PVC 0.3mm with full-colour print and grey micro-rubber bottom for non-slip properties. The top layer is printed all over, so there are no white edges. Both layers are welded along the edges.
We produce mouse pads in any size and shape, in accordance with the customer's wishes. Standard: 220 x 180 mm or Ø210 mm.
Filtr IF WELDING FILTER przeznaczony jest do stanowisk spawalniczych. Łączą w sobie odpylacz ze zintegrowanym wentylatorem. Filtr wyposażony jest w system szybkiego zbierania pyłu. Dodatkową zaletą jest możliwość transportu urządzenia wózkiem widłowym.
Industrial robots are an essential component in modern manufacturing, offering unparalleled precision and efficiency in various production processes. These robots are designed to handle tasks that are repetitive, dangerous, or require high precision, making them invaluable in industries such as automotive, electronics, and metal fabrication. With the ability to operate continuously without fatigue, industrial robots significantly enhance productivity and reduce operational costs. Their versatility allows them to be programmed for a wide range of applications, including welding, painting, assembly, and material handling, ensuring that they can adapt to the evolving needs of any production line.
The integration of industrial robots into manufacturing processes not only boosts efficiency but also improves product quality by minimizing human error. These robots are equipped with advanced sensors and control systems that enable them to perform complex tasks with high accuracy. As technology continues to advance, industrial robots are becoming more intelligent and capable, incorporating features such as machine learning and artificial intelligence to optimize their performance. By investing in industrial robots, companies can achieve greater operational flexibility, enhance workplace safety, and maintain a competitive edge in the global market.
Base Group specializes in manufacturing of metal constructions for various industries. Our main competency is manual and automated welding of steel, stainless steel and aluminum. Quality of metal constructions’ manufacturing is assured by complying with widely recognised international standards for welding processes – ISO 3834-2.
Produkujemy konstrukcje typu offshore według powierzonych przez klienta projektów. Traktujemy każde zlecenie bardzo indywidualnie. Gwarantujemy wysoką jakość realizacji potwierdzoną certyfikatami.
In the field of metalworking, the company offers many services such as cutting, bending, milling and grinding.
The use of modern machines and tools allows precise shapes and finishes to be achieved, meeting the expectations of even the most demanding customers.
La soudage MMA consiste à assembler des éléments à l’aide d’une électrode enrobée, où un arc électrique est généré lors du contact. C’est l’une des méthodes les plus universelles de connexions indissociables. Chez Marxam Project, nos experts prennent soin de chaque détail, afin que vous puissiez être sûr que chaque processus de soudage, quel que soit le volume de production, est du plus haut niveau. Faites-nous confiance pour la soudage MMA et faites l’expérience de la coopération avec de vrais professionnels.
Le soudage MMA est un procédé dans lequel nous nous sommes spécialisés depuis le début de notre activité en 2006. Notre vaste expérience et notre orientation client garantissent que chaque projet que nous entreprenons est précisément adapté à vos besoins. Nos équipements et technologies modernes nous permettent de gérer les commandes de nombreux secteurs industriels différents. Choisissez Marxam Project comme partenaire de soudage MMA et offrez à votre projet le meilleur.
Spawanie TIG, czyli spawanie elektrodą wolframową w osłonie gazu obojętnego to proces polegający na łączeniu dwóch elementów połączeniem nierozłącznym przez wytworzenie łuku elektrycznego. W Marxam Project świadczymy kompleksowe usługi spawania metodą TIG, które gwarantują najwyższą jakość łączeń – zarówno funkcjonalną, jak i estetyczną. Skontaktuj się z nami już dziś i doświadcz współpracy z prawdziwymi profesjonalistami.
Spawanie TIG w Marxam Project to profesjonalna metoda łączenia ze sobą elementów o najwyższej jakości. Nasza doświadczona kadra technologów wykorzystuje zaawansowane technologie i urządzenia, aby zapewnić naszych klientów, że stworzony przez nas produkt końcowy jest nie tylko wytrzymały, ale także o odpowiednich walorach estetycznych. Wybierz Marxam Project jako swojego partnera spawania TIG i zapewnij to co najlepsze dla swojego projektu.
La soldadura MMA es la unión de elementos mediante un electrodo revestido, donde al entrar en contacto se genera un arco eléctrico. Es uno de los métodos más universales de uniones inseparables. En Marxam Project nuestros expertos cuidan cada detalle, para que puedas estar seguro de que cada proceso de soldadura, independientemente del volumen de producción, es del más alto nivel. Confía en nosotros en la soldadura MMA y experimenta la colaboración con verdaderos profesionales.
La soldadura MMA es un proceso en el que nos hemos especializado desde que iniciamos nuestra actividad en 2006. Nuestra amplia experiencia y nuestro enfoque en el cliente garantizan que cada proyecto que emprendemos se adapte exactamente a sus necesidades. Nuestros modernos equipos y tecnologías nos permiten gestionar pedidos de muchas industrias diferentes. Elija a Marxam Project como su socio de soldadura MMA y proporcione a su proyecto lo mejor.
MMA Schweißen ist das Verbinden von Elementen mithilfe einer beschichteten Elektrode, wobei bei Kontakt ein Lichtbogen entsteht. Es ist eine der universellsten Methoden für untrennbare Verbindungen. Bei Marxam Project kümmern sich unsere Experten um jedes Detail, sodass Sie sicher sein können, dass jeder Schweißvorgang, unabhängig vom Produktionsvolumen, dem höchsten Standard entspricht. Vertrauen Sie uns beim MMA Schweißen und erleben Sie die Zusammenarbeit mit echten Profis.
MMA Schweißen ist ein Verfahren, auf das wir uns seit der Gründung unseres Unternehmens im Jahr 2006 spezialisiert haben. Unsere umfassende Erfahrung und Kundenorientierung stellen sicher, dass jedes von uns durchgeführte Projekt genau auf Ihre Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten ist. Unsere moderne Ausrüstung und Technologie ermöglichen es uns, Aufträge aus vielen verschiedenen Branchen abzuwickeln. Wählen Sie Marxam Project als Ihren MMA-Schweißpartner und bieten Sie Ihrem Projekt das Beste.
Spawanie MMA to łączenie elementów przy pomocy elektrody otulonej, gdzie pod wpływem kontaktu wytwarzany jest łuk elektryczny. Jest to jedna z najbardziej uniwersalnych metod połączeń nierozłącznych. W Marxam Project nasi doświadczeni eksperci dbają o każdy szczegół, abyś miał pewność, że każdy proces spawania, niezależnie od wielkości produkcji, jest na najwyższym poziomie. Zaufaj nam w spawaniu MMA i doświadcz współpracy z prawdziwymi profesjonalistami.
Spawanie MMA to proces, w którym się specjalizujemy od momentu rozpoczęcia naszej działalności w 2006 roku. Nasze bogate doświadczenie i nastawienie na klienta zapewnia, że każdy realizowany przez nas projekt jest dokładnie dopasowany do Twoich potrzeb. Nasz nowoczesny sprzęt i technologie pozwalają nam na obsłużenie zamówień z wielu różnych branż. Wybierz Marxam Project jako swojego partnera spawania MMA i zapewnij swojemu projektowi to, co najlepsze.
La saldatura MMA è l'unione di elementi mediante un elettrodo rivestito, dove un arco elettrico viene generato al contatto. È uno dei metodi più universali di connessioni inseparabili. In Marxam Project, i nostri esperti si prendono cura di ogni dettaglio, in modo che tu possa essere sicuro che ogni processo di saldatura, indipendentemente dal volume di produzione, sia del più alto standard. Affidati a noi nella saldatura MMA e sperimenta la collaborazione con veri professionisti.
La saldatura MMA è un processo in cui ci siamo specializzati sin dall'inizio della nostra attività nel 2006. La nostra vasta esperienza e l'attenzione al cliente garantiscono che ogni progetto che intraprendiamo sia esattamente su misura per le vostre esigenze. Le nostre moderne attrezzature e tecnologie ci consentono di gestire ordini da molti settori diversi. Scegli Marxam Project come partner per la saldatura MMA e fornisci il meglio al tuo progetto.
In the field of metalworking, the company offers many services such as cutting, bending, milling and grinding.
The use of modern machines and tools allows precise shapes and finishes to be achieved, meeting the expectations of even the most demanding customers.
Unter Metallschweißen versteht man, das Zusammenschweißen von Metallen durch Wärme, Überhitzung oder mit Hilfe eines Schweißmittels. Jede der vorgenannten Lösungen zeichnet sich durch unterschiedliche Eigenschaften aus, die es ermöglichen, verschiedene Arten von Materialien zu verbinden und das Schweißen in einem bestimmten, genau definierten Bereich anzuwenden. Wir bieten unseren Kunden in diesem Bereich umfassende Dienstleistungen nach den höchsten internationalen Standards.
In unserem Werk schweißen wir mit MAG- und WIG-Verfahren nach den internationalen Normen EN ISO 3834-2 für das Schweißen von metallischen Werkstoffen und EN ISO 1090-2.
Wir schweißen sowohl schwarzen als auch rostfreien Stahl. Wir führen Konstruktionen bis zur Klasse EXC3 aus. Wir verfügen über 70 WPQR-Schweißprüfungen nach EN ISO 15614.
Unsere Schweißer sind für die folgenden Schweißverfahren qualifiziert:
MAG 135 - Lichtbogenschweißen mit Massivdraht in Aktivgasummantelung.
MAG 136 -
WIG 141 -
Spawanie MIG aluminium do Grubość do 20mm. We specialize in metal joining services. The welding offer is aimed at both private customers and entrepreneurs who want to obtain the highest quality welded joints. Our employees have the necessary certificates confirming their authorization to perform this type of service.
Our offer includes, among others:
aluminum welding ,
welding of stainless steel materials,
welding of carbon steel and cast iron using MAG, MIG and TIG methods,
coated electrode welding (MMA).
We also use other methods. We approach each order with great commitment and make every effort to fully satisfy the Client. We use modern devices that allow welding of heavy and massive structures made of various types of steel. We have appropriately adapted welding stations and an overhead crane, thanks to which we can connect large and heavy elements.
Home pageSeparatorWelding services Aluminum weldingSeparator
welded aluminum angle
Aluminum welding
Aluminum is a metal with low mass and high strength, which is characterized by high corrosion resistance. Low price and possibility of recycling make it widely used in industrial, electronic and automotive sectors. In order to fully use the potential of this material, it is necessary to ensure proper welding . Using our services, you can be sure that the weld will be durable, resistant to cracks and free from defects.
Aluminum welding – methods
We weld aluminum using alternating current (AC). The metal has a relatively low melting point, which makes joining it not the easiest. Before starting the procedure, we always determine whether we are dealing with a pure element or casting alloys. Very often, admixtures play a key role in selecting the right operating parameters.
Arflex Construction specialists most often perform MIG and TIG welding. Both methods require the use of a neutral shielding gas. MIG is used in welding metals with a thickness greater than 1 mm. In turn, TIG can be used when welding very thin sheets of aluminum. For this purpose, we use a non-consumable tungsten electrode with an inert gas shield, which is characterized by a very high melting point, and the arc is lit in a stable manner. When choosing the TIG method, it is worth using alternating current, which allows you to keep the weld pool clean and easily remove metal oxides formed on the metal surface.